Space X schickt 60 Satelliten in den Orbit
Deutschland plant Kerosin aus Wasser herzustellen
AATIP – Inside Pentagon Secret UFO Programm
You will get chipped – eventually
Jeff Bezos (Amazon) spends 10 bn to fight climate change
How Laser Weapons are Changing Military Defense and Offense
Mit Nanocontainern in den Zellkern
Quantum Entanglement meets Superconductivity
Scientist entangled quantum memories linked over long distances
UFO Documents declassifed – RAF
Europas erster Hyperloop ist fertig
Physicists manage to hold individual atoms
Scientists use crystals and chemistry to generate truly random numbers
Coronavirus was engineered by scientists
Frank Plummer – canadian lab scientist – Key to Coronavirus
5 biggest pesticide companies ar making billions
The white Papers from the European Commission – Regulating Artificial Intelligence